Fire Extinguisher Sales and Installation
Primary Protection can assist you with all of your needs, including supply and installation. We provide advice on the type and location of fire extinguishers as correct positioning is an important part of your fire safety program. Essentially it is crucial to have the right extinguisher for the most likely class of fire in the area covered.
In addition fire extinguishers should be located 1 meter from the ground and sited near exits. They must also be positioned so that they can be illuminated by emergency lighting.
Prices for new equipment include supply, delivery, installation and signage where necessary.
Fire Extinguisher Maintenance & Servicing
Priority Protection offers a full extinguisher Maintenance & Servicing program. Our maintenance engineers are all qualified and accredited to carry out your service requirements.
Regular maintenance is essential with safety products such as fire extinguishers. It is also necessary to comply with IS291 and BS5306 which require servicing of your fire extinguishers at least annually to ensure that they will always function in an emergency.
Generally speaking a fire extinguisher will provide you with many years of reliable fire protection on the basis that they are properly maintained and regularly serviced by a competent engineer.
Our engineers will visit on at least an annual basis, or on a more regular basis if agreed with you. Services are carried out at a time convenient to you to ensure a minimum amount of disruption. The will help to ensure that your equipment is kept ready and working for the moment you really need it.
We provide a fixed cost all-in-one service package. With a single charge there are no hidden costs, allowing you to budget at the start of the year with no nasty costly surprises.
For any work outside of our agreed service agreement we can provide you with a quote before work commences.